Wednesday, August 8, 2007

No Wait . . . FOUR is the New Two, At Least Among the Affluent

While I was knee-deep in my 6-year-old’s “Star Wars” birthday party prep on Sunday, NPR ran a segment about how affluent families are having more kids than they used to. The site’s promo for a segment on “competitive birthing” among “posh moms” said, “The newest status symbol for the nation's most affluent families is fast becoming a big brood of kids.” That brood being comprised of about four offspring, despite declining birth rates overall.

I stumbled across the story – in which fellow New Englanders were interviewed -- after reading about it on several web sites, including Rice Daddies. Babble’s Strollerderby blog wryly quipped: “I blame the Pitt-Jolies for adopting all of those children.”

After listening to the segment though, I must admit, there are times when I too wonder about kid Number Four. Then I forcefully bash my head against a wall a few times (to simulate the experience of three years worth of sleep deprivation, akin to what kid Number Three generously provided his parents) and splash cold water on my face. Then I snap out of it. Unlike the families discussed in the segment, I don’t have nannies, parenting consultants and other assorted household staff taking care of the kids so I can look salon-fresh each day.

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