If you -- like me -- are obsessed with Mad Men and harbor an inappropriate crush on Jon Hamm, you should stop by the Basket of Kisses blog which is chock full of news, insight and trivia about Draper & Company.
The writers live-blog each episode and have even garnered the attention of show creator Matthew Weiner, or at least according to the blog's creators, sisters Roberta and Deborah Lipp. A recent entry included background on Maidenform (appropriate given the title of the latest episode), had a link to Irene Dunne's bio (remember, Don Draper told Peggy Olson she wasn't a Marilyn Monroe or a Jackie Kennedy, but an Irene Dunn) and a link to the history of pantyhose.
Seriously, it's worth the visit.
Image credit: AMC.
Who is Irene Dunn? I presume she is neither desirable nor whoesome.
Here's a link to the Internet Movie Database's "Irene Dunne" entry.
Dunne was a five-time Oscar nominee, well regarded actress.
Ironically, she sang, "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" in the film "Roberta." (YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkQU-VQkhGw)
"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" was the name of "Mad Men's" original pilot.
Whoops. Forgot the IMDB link. Here it is:
And Roberta is well, the name of one of the Lipp sisters, who happen to be the co-authors of Basket of Kisses. See the symmetry?
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